- Micael Reis (eye size evolution in D. americana and D. novamexicana, genomics, transcriptomics)
now Data Scientist at EvoTec, Göttingen
- Elisa Buchberger (eye size evolution in Drosophila, transcriptomics...)
now Data Scientist at EvoTec, Göttingen
- Montserrat Torres-Oliva (eye size evolution in Drosophila, transcriptomics...)
now Postdoc at IKMB, Kiel
- Linh Dang (ATACseq/RNAseq data integration, D. americana and D. novamexicana eye size variation)
now Postdoc at Medical Bioinformatics (UMG Göttingen)
- Zaheer-ud-din Syed (Gnatocerus horn development)
now PhD student at Range Lab at Auburn University, AL, USA
- Gordon Wiegleb (single-cell RNAseq of eye-antennal discs)
now Researcher at IKDT (Institut Kardiale Diagnostik und Therapie) in Berlin, Germany
- Ting-Hsuan Lu (eye size evolution in Drosophila)
now Postdoc at University of Kentucky
- Elisa Buchberger (eye size evolution in Drosophila, transcriptomics...)
now Data Scientist at EvoTec, Göttingen
- Christoph Schomburg (spider eye development) (1year co-supervised)
now Postdoc at University Kassel
- Montserrat Torres-Oliva (eye size evolution in Drosophila, transcriptomics...)
now Postdoc at IKMB, Kiel
- Dibyojyoti Chattopadhyay (Neal) (ERASMUS Program, visitor from University of Pavia) (Drosophila eye size, DGRP)
- Armin Niksic (Drosophila eye size, DGRP)
now PhD student at Huch Lab in Dresden
- Jan Ahrend (Drosophila eye size, functional analyses of candidate genes)
- Georg Bullinger (Drosophila eye size, ommatidia number, behavioral assays)
now PhD student at Bucher Lab in Göttingen
- Yi-Ching Lai ("Lenny") (rotation student, enhancer test assay)
now clinical data manager at Meta Clinical Technology Co. Ltd
- Melissa Jüds (Gnatocerus cornutus developmental time, RNAi)
PhD at Scheu Lab in Göttingen; now coordinator of Schorfheide-Chorin Exploratory
- David Andrés Salamanca Díaz (Drosophila eye size evolution, morphometrics)
followed PhD at Wanninger Lab in Vienna, now Postdoc at Oxford Brookes University
- Elisa Buchberger (Drosophila eye size evolution, transcriptomics)
- Felix Kaufholz (Hunchback function in Drosophila eye development; Internship)
PhD at Bucher Lab in Göttingen, now at Eurofins in Munich
- Julia Schneider (Hunchback function during Drosophila eye development)
now researcher at EvoTec, Göttingen
- René Illner (Drosophila Rhodopsin expression analysis)
- Julia Schneider (spider eye development)
- Phillipp Kirfel (spider eye development)
now PhD student at Vilcinskas Lab in Gießen
- Melanie Weber (spider eye development)
- Lena Steins (Drosophila head morphology)
- Nora Ksionsko (Drosophila head morphology, Rhodopsin expression)
- Carolin Schilling (eye development gene annotation in Parasteatoda tepidariorum)
- Gordon Wiegleb (Drosophila eye development)
- Anja Strohdiek (wing development in Musca domestica and Ceratitis capitata)
- Antje Sievers (Establishment of RNAi in Gnathocerus cornutus)
- Natalia Haubrich (eye size differences between D. americana and D. novamexicana)
- Lennart Hüper (DrosEU phenotyping, wing/thorax size)
- Lena Reim (Drosophila eye size, functional analyses of candidate genes)
now PhD student at Bucher Lab in Göttingen
- Neele Schikora (beetle horn development)
now Master student at Uni Heidelberg
- Isabel Almudi (Oxford Brookes University, UK)
- Francesca Jarero (Natural History Museum London, UK)
- Bairon Exe Hernández Rojas (Universidad de Chile, Chile)
- Naomi Ruth Hernández Rojas (Universidad Católica del Maule, Talca, Chile)
- Anıl Bilen (Bilkent University, Turkey)
- Cristina Matas de las Heras (Universidad CEU San Pablo, Madrid, Spain)
- Sanem Ayaz (Izmir University, Turkey)
- Tutku Çekigil (Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey)
- Ibone Domingo (Universidad del Pais Vasco, Bilbao, Spain)
Nico Posnien
Georg-August-University Göttingen
Institute for Zoology and Anthropology
Department of Developmental Biology
Ernst-Caspari-Haus (GZMB)
Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 11
37077 Göttingen
Phone: +49 (0) 55139 28662
E-mail: nposnie[at]